
Sam is a singer-songwriter, songleader, and composer of singable liturgical music. He is currently recording an album of his liturgical melodies. 

Ya Ana Emtza'acha - Seed of Song

In 2019, Sam composed a melody to the piyyut Ya Ana Emzta'acha as a part of a project for a class in piyyutim (a form of Jewish liturgical poetry). JTS recorded that melody along with several other classmate's melodies on their album Seeds of Song. Ya Ana Emtza'acha is placed in Siddur Lev Shalem as an introduction to the piyyut alternative musaf for Festivals, on p. 359. It expresses the longing for a relationship with the Divine, who often seems so hidden, while acknowledging that divinity can be found in everything.

Check out some of his latest Jewish music on Soundcloud:

Ahavat Olam (Blustin and Light) - Sheet Music

Here is a setting of Ahavat Olam I co-wrote with Eliana Light:

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